CAMEC: Advanced Customized Solutions
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CAMEC is a company with a 30-year history, specialised in advanced technological solutions in the field of recycling and material handling.
Our three acclaimed divisions - Recycling, Material Handling, and Recycling plants - allow us to serve a prestigious worldwide customer base.
We look ahead with passion and resolve, ready to meet new challenges and contribute to creating a sustainable future, thanks to our dedication and the attention we devote to each individual customer.
Our true source of inspiration is the road that lies ahead: a path of continuous growth, based on Italian excellence and innovation, to make our modest contribution to building a sustainable future for all.
CAMEC's presence in the world: a sales and service network in more than 30 countries
CAMEC's strong international vocation is expressed in the inauguration of our site in Spain to support not just the local market but also that of Portugal and Latin America.
A consolidated worldwide presence makes CAMEC far more than a simple supplier and allows us to emerge as a strategic partner able to the needs of each customer.
Penetrating new markets means developing ever more innovative technologies in order to meet the requirements of our customers wherever in the world they are based.
High level partnerships and strategic agreements with companies of international standing are the most evident example of our vocation.
At CAMEC, we are committed to innovation through technology. We firmly believe in people, teamwork and ideas in a collaborative culture geared towards a common goal. Because, when teamwork is pursued with passion, creativity becomes innovation and innovation propels towards the future... towards CAMEC.
Our Commitment
At CAMEC we believe that sustainability is a long journey that calls for commitment and dedication.
It's a path that is pursued thanks to the collaboration of all calling for careful analysis of our actions how we perform them, in order to improve and excel day after day.
For more than thirty years, CAMEC has been proceeding on this path, with humility in our modest role in actively contributing to the development of the necessary circular economy that has come to involve all countries.
Valorisation of Secondary Raw Materials: CAMEC in the Circular Economy
With an innovative approach, we design and develop machines and plants to allow recovery and reuse of materials originating from products at the end of their life cycle. This allows us to reduce environmental impact and decrease the degree of reliance on virgin natural resources.
By means of advanced waste shredding processes, we can return various recycled materials to the market as high quality secondary raw materials. Our circular vision is based on the creation of a continuous cycle in which components and materials are reused to create new products.
Our commitment is to promote sustainability and efficiency, offering advanced solutions to adopt circular practices.
We strive to contribute to the construction of a more sustainable future, in which wastage is reduced and the circular economy is a tangible reality.
Support for the Arts, Culture, and Local Communities
The ANTICHE MURA TEATRO FESTIVAL project was set up in 2014 thanks to the idea of the two creative directors of TEATRO BRESCI, Anna Tringali and Giacomo Rossetto, to create a large open-air event that was to become a hub and powerhouse for top quality theatre, attracting an audience from among the local population and far beyond.
The project was underpinned by the need to offer, within the impressive architectural and historic heritage of the medieval city walls, a series of iconic performances of indisputable quality with high profile interpreters of national renown, and to attract the widest possible audience, especially young people, returning people to the pleasure of shared experience, thereby favouring processes of development, discussion, cohesion and renewal.
And it was precisely this idea of sharing that led CAMEC to become a sponsor of the project: we believe that expression through the world of art and culture is a fundamental requirement for a company pursuing a path of expansion on a worldwide level.
We see the expression of cultural excellence primarily as a duty to the community.

A Small Gesture for the Social Sphere
We support the “I Bambini delle fate” foundation which, thanks to the contributions is receives, is able to finance projects of parents’ associations, institutions and hospital structures in aid of disabled children.
Specifically, we support children and youths of the Padua Fondazione Città della Speranza, which takes care of the complete physical and psychological well-being of children and adolescents facing health challenges.
Fondazione Città della Speranza has helped to increase the quality of assistance and of scientific research in the paediatric field, firstly by creating adequate hospital structures for children, and secondly by promoting the exchange of know-how between scientists within a dedicated hub, but always in close contact with the university and clinical world, and with the top international research centres.
The Foundation's support has made it possible to introduce allowed the introduction new treatment protocols adopted in several countries.
The project aims to favour the activities of the Padua paediatric oncology clinic.

CAMEC: the Power of “Knowing How to Look”
CAMEC embraces the simple but essential concept of “Knowing How to Look”.
This approach guides every aspect of our company and is translated into the core values by which we are defined.
We are future oriented, aware of our intended destination. This allows us to stand constantly at forefront, ready to face challenges with resolve and ingenuity.
We never forget our roots and our history. We remember where we came from, what made us into the company of today, and we carry our heritage with pride.
Our growth is never at the expense of others.
We are committed to working with respect and integrity, making sure that each step forward is taken in an ethical and responsible manner.
Empathy is the heart of our company culture. In difficulties, we stand shoulder to shoulder with our colleagues and partners, creating an environment of reciprocal support.
Every year we renew our identity, but never forgetting our true essence. This allows us to respond flexibly to the needs of our customers, guaranteeing customized and high quality solutions.
“Knowing how to look” is our searchlight, the force that guides us through innovation, in integrity and in building enduring relationships.
At each step we take, we are proud to carry this philosophy forward, urging us to grow alongside our customers and to build strong partnerships with them.
Our Certifications
The company certifications we hold are a testament to the quality of our production process. We view them as authentic recognitions of our commitment to comply with standards and regulations, both national and international. The certifications constitute a value added for you, the customer, when you choose our products and services. They are a guarantee of our commitment to offering products that meet the highest quality and safety standards.

To offer ever more finely calibrated and meticulous service, at Camec we have secured official certifications to confirm the quality of our products:
ISO 9001 certification
ISO 9001 certification guarantees the quality of the processes of conceptualization, design, construction, installation, and after-sales service of our products
EN 1090 certification
EN 1090 is a European standard that establishes the requirements for structural works in steel and aluminium. The standard defines the skills and responsibilities needed to guarantee the conformity and safety of metal fabrications for structural uses.
ISO 14001 certification
ISO 14001 is an international standard governing environmental management systems. This standard establishes the criteria and guidelines for implementation of an effective environmental management system in an organization.
SOA certification
This document certifies Camec's technical-organizational capabilities and quality in the performance of public works contracts.

Tailored Customization
Tailored customization is the distinctive core of our company's approach to the market.
We recognize that each customer has different and unique needs, so we strive to create customized solutions that reflect their vision and needs.
From plant design to commissioning, each stage is guided by a collaborative and flexible process that considers the specific requests of our customers.
At CAMEC, we have a firm belief in the value of Technological Innovation
Apart from the design and construction of turnkey plants, we offer a full-spectrum customized service.
This includes a huge variety of solutions, such as feasibility studies, advanced 3D simulations, residual life assessment and revamping services.
Our customer-centred focus proceeds also after the sale, with dedicated after-sales service, accessible both in situ and remotely.
Also, we supply original spare parts and guarantee a preventive and corrective maintenance service, assuring correct operation and the maximum efficiency of our machines and plants.
Our mission is to supply complete and reliable solutions to meet the needs of our customers in full.
A Full-Spectrum Customized Service
CAMEC’s complete plants for solid waste treatment and transformation are functional technological solutions, custom built to meet the needs of each client and to recover secondary raw materials of high purity and high quality.
We aim to inspire our customers by delivering a processing experience and products of the highest quality, working efficiently to meet their needs and desires. It is our conviction that creativity becomes innovation when the work is approached with passion.
At CAMEC, we are committed to innovation through technology. We believe in people, teamwork and ideas in a collaborative culture geared towards a common goal.
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